Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Firefox 2.0 Beta 2 will take another week to prepare

The plan was to ship the 2end beta of Firefox 2.0 yesterday (Tuesday). Instead, it will ship one week later, on August 15.

Gregg Keizer, Techweb:
Firefox 2.0, which appeared as Beta 1 last month, was to shift into Beta 2 Aug. 8, but will now be posted Tuesday, Aug. 15

In any case, it looks like Firefox 2.0 is entering its home stretch.

Firefox is not one of the companies that seems to favor epically-long beta periods.

Their beta cycles tend to measure a few months, not several years.

These days, unless you are Apple - who tends to promise a delivery date - and then beat it - slipping a schedule of a major software product by only a week is pretty wonderful.

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