Sunday, December 27, 2009


Firefox 3.5 the most popular of any version of any brand of web browser

The ultra-popular Mozilla Firefox 3.5, the latest released version of Firefox is the most popular of any particular version of any web browser for any brand.

The first popular web browser, Mosaic, was created by programmers at NCSA, located at UIUC - a university in the US. That was back around 1993.

They were subsequently lured away to create a new web browser, Netscape, at a new start-up company by that name in California. Netscape was wildly successful, and then in the late 1990's, suddenly lost marketshare to the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser. Ironically, Microsoft did not write IE, they bought Mosaic from the University, which had spun it off and renamed it Spyglass.

Netscape responded by founding a non-profit organization, Mozilla, and set about creating the Mozilla web browser under its auspices. The Mozilla browser was very popular but never came close to recapturing all of Netscape's former market share.

However, a sleeker, faster, more powerful web browser was created from Mozilla. This new one was called Firefox.

Now, Firefox is one of the most advanced, standards-compliant web browsers around. Internet Explorer, in classic tortoise-hare fashion, is one of the least.

And correspondingly, it is now Firefox that has the most popular web browser version around.

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