Thursday, August 24, 2006


Getting Things Done Gmail Firefox Extension

At this point, tons of people have heard of Getting Things Done - a book (and a technique) for organizing things in your life so you can accomplish more each day.

Now someone has written a Firefox extension that makes the labels you use in Firefox a little more organized themselves. It tunes them to work in the GTD scheme of things.

Getting Things Done Gmail Firefox Extension at gHacks tech news:
Labels are structured into Statuses, Contexts, Projects and References. Status simply describes the current status of the task, is it finished or should it be the next action that you perform ? Context is the context that you have to be in to complete the task. A task that would require a computer for instance could have either the Desk, Home or Office context associated with.

I have a copy of the GTD book on order that is supposed to arrive any day now. If it gets here by this weekend, maybe I will try this extension out after I read the book.

Practically all my friends and relatives, even extended family relatives, are using Firefox now. People just like it; programmers, engineers, my mother, everybody.

Personally, I have found it invaluable during the past couple of years. I know for a fact the Firefox extensions have really helped my productivity - and output quality - quite a bit.

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